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Items covering Canada
Canadian Polar Commission 2002-2003
Published 2003 | Regional Coverage: Canada | Location: Electronic
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- Arctic pollution 2009
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
- The people of Denendeh: ethnohistory of the Indians of Canada's Northwest Territories
- Trends in Characteristics of Births by State, 1990, 1995, and 2000–2002
- Health Statistics in the Nordic Countries 2005
- Health systems in transition
- Dialogue towards a university in Canada's far north : environmental scan
- The economy of the North 2008
- Nursing perspectives on public health programming in Nunavut
- AMAP Assessment 2009: Human Health in the Arctic
- Tuberculosis in Canada 2006
- Aboriginal Peoples survey 2001 - Provincial and Territorial reports: off-reserve Aboriginal population (NWT)
- National health expenditure trends, 1975-2008
- Canadian arctic contaminants and health assessment report : human health 2009
- Health systems in transition
- Health Statistics in the Nordic Countries 2006
- A foundation for change : building a healthy future for the NWT, 2009-2012
- Stones, bones and skin : ritual and shamanic art
- Canadian Polar Commission 2009-2010
- The US Health System: An Assessment and Prospective Directions for Reform
- Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2001 - Provincial and Territorial Reports: Off-reserve Aboriginal Population
- Indian and Northern Affairs Canada devolution and Territorial relations branch: food mail review - Interim report
- Tuberculosis in Canada 2004
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
- Canadian Polar Commission 2002-2003
- Climatography of the United States
- How statistics Canada identifies Aboriginal Peoples
- Annual demographic statistics
- Taking action : Alaska Department of Health and Social Services strategic report, 2003-2005
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
- Aboriginal strategy on HIV/AIDS in Canada II
- Sundhedsvæsenets årsberetning 2007
- Healthy Alaskans 2010 : targets and strategies for improved health
- Integrated service delivery model for the NWT health and social services system : A detailed description
- Advance Guard: Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, Mitigation and Indigenous Peoples – A Compendium of Case Studies.
- Aboriginal Peoples in Canada in 2006: Inuit, Métis and First Nations, 2006 Census
- Canadian Polar Commission 2005-2006
- Acceptance and coping National HIV strategy (2009-2014)
- Canadian Polar Commission 2007-2008
- WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2008: the MPOWER package
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Government Policy
Health and Hygiene
Health Promotion
Health Status Indicators
Indigenous Peoples
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North America
Northwest Territories
Polar Commission
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