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Medicinalberetning for Færøerne 2005
Published 2006 | Regional Coverage: Faroe Islands | Location: Electronic
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- Fighting firewater fictions: moving beyond the disease model of alcoholism in First Nations
- Alaska's history : the people, land, and events of the north country
- Cape Dorset prints: a retrospective
- Report from the frontier : the state of the world's indigenous peoples
- Aboriginal domestic violence in Canada
- The people of America
- Nordic statistical yearbook 2007
- Medicine that walks : disease, medicine and Canadian Plains native people, 1880-1940
- Inuit art: an anthology
- Medical education in Canada
- Eskimos of Northwestern Alaska : a biological perspective
- The Netsilik Eskimo
- Arctic climate impact assessment
- Evaluation of perinatal care and services, Hudson Bay and Ungava Bay, epidemiological phase : pregnancies and births in two Inuit populations of northern Québec
- Health systems in transition
- Preventing intimate partner and sexual violence against women: taking action and generating evidence
- The dispossessed: life and death in Native Canada
- Reconciliation: First Nations treaty making in British Columbia
- A global history of indigenous peoples : struggle and survival
- Food for the North: report of the air stage subsidy review
- Community action resources for Inuit, Metis and First Nations
- Health research methodology: a guide for training in research methods
- Johnny National Super hero
- Native foods and nutrition : an illustrated reference manual.
- Northern shores: a history of the Baltic sea and its peoples
- Population health concepts and methods
- self-government, social suffering and aboriginal policy in Canada
- Royal Commission on Health Services
- Qanukkanniq?
- Canadian Polar Commission 2002-2003
- Epidemiology and the delivery of health care services : methods and applications
- Historical atlas of the arctic
- Medical manpower in Canada
- The Indians of the Subarctic : a critical bibliography
- Preventing childhood obesity: evidence policy and practice
- Chills and fever : health and disease in the early history of Alaska
- Aboriginal youth : a manual of promising suicide prevention strategies
- Healing traditions: the mental health of aboriginal peoples in Canada
- A guide to effective care in pregnancy and childbirth
- Health systems in transition
- National preparedness plan for an influenza pandemic
- Handbook of North American Indians: Arctic
- What mothers say : the Canadian Maternity Experiences Survey
- Health, United States, 2006 : with chartbook on trends in the health of Americans
- Empire of the bay : an illustrated history of the Hudson's Bay Company
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Top Keywords
Government Policy
Health and Hygiene
Health Promotion
Health Status Indicators
Indigenous Peoples
Medical Care
North America
Northwest Territories
Polar Commission
Public Health
Service Delivery
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United States
Vital Statistics