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Items published in 2009
Alaska Native Health Status Report
Published 2009 | Regional Coverage: Alaska | Location: Electronic
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Published 2009 | Regional Coverage: Alaska | Location: Electronic
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- Integrating poverty and gender into health programmes : a sourcebook for health professionals : module on sexual and reproductive health
- Nordic statistical yearbook 2006
- Canadian Polar Commission 2008-2009
- National action plan to reduce health inequalities 2008–2011
- Health systems in transition
- National strategi for sundhedsvæsenet. Direktoratet for Sundhed, maj 2002
- North American Indian Métis and Inuit women speak about culture, education and work
- Sexual and reproductive health- laying the foundation for a more just world through research and action, Biennial report 2004-2005
- Taking action : Alaska Department of Health and Social Services strategic report, 2003-2005
- Health in rural Canada
- Doing things the right way : Dene traditional justice in Lac La Martre, NWT
- National Health Plan for Norway (2007-2010)
- Users' guides to the medical literature : a manual for evidence-based clinical practice
- In business for ourselves: northern entrepreneurs
- The Athapaskans : strangers of the North : an international travelling exhibition from the collection of the National Museum of Man, Canada, and the Royal Scottish Museum.
- The coming of the spirit of pestilence : introduced infectious diseases and population decline among Northwest Coast Indians, 1774-1874
- Sexually transmitted disease surveillance 2007
- Enduring traditions: the Native peoples of new England
- Greenland in Figures 2009
- Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.
- Health care in Finland
- Royal Commission on Health Services
- Nordic statistical yearbook 2007
- Quality recommendation for health promotion.
- A culture of safety : NWT injury prevention strategy, 2007-2012 implementation plane
- Disease surveillance : a public health informatics approach
- The people of America
- Northern exposure : peoples, powers and prospects in Canada's North
- "Must we all die?" : Alaska's enduring struggle with tuberculosis
- Health, United States, 2006 : with chartbook on trends in the health of Americans
- Out of Asia : peopling the Americas and the Pacific
- Meddelelser om Grønland. Man in Society
- National strategy to reduce social inequalities in health
- Health and wellbeing our common goal
- Eskimo dolls
- Health systems in transition
- Childbirth in the Canadian North : epidemiological, clinical and cultural perspectives
- Government resolution: on development guidelines for health enhancing physical activity and nutrition
- Sun chief: the autobiography of a Hopi Indian
- National health expenditure trends, 1975-2008
- Healthy Alaskans 2010 : targets and strategies for improved health
- Preparedness unit
- Fetal and perinatal mortality, United States, 2005.
- Norwegian directorate of health
- Traditional plant foods of Canadian indigenous peoples : nutrition, botany, and use
- The geography of the Canadian north : issues and challenges
- Handbook of North American Indians: Northeast
- Circumpolar health [74] : proceedings of the Third International Symposium, Yellowknife, NWT
- Les femmes autochtones et l'emploi : défis et enjeux des programmes d'employabilité au Québec = Aboriginal women and jobs : challenges and issues for employability programs in Quebec
- Climatography of the United States
- Circumpolar health 2006 : gateway to the International Polar Year : proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Circumpolar Healt
- Chills and fever : health and disease in the early history of Alaska
- Alaska in action
- Healing traditions: the mental health of aboriginal peoples in Canada
- Report to the Community
- Morbidity, performance and quality in primary care
- Diabetes and diet: Ivan's story
- The central Eskimo
- Strategies for social protection 2015 – towards a socially and economically sustainable society
- Suomalaisen aikuisväestön terveyskäyttäytyminen ja terveys, kevät 2003
- The Cambridge history of the native peoples of the Americas.
- Evaluation of perinatal care and services, Hudson Bay and Ungava Bay, epidemiological phase : pregnancies and births in two Inuit populations of northern Québec
- Inuuneritta : Annual Report for 2006-2007
- Trends in Characteristics of Births by State, 1990, 1995, and 2000–2002
- Health creates welfare: the role of the health system in Norwegian society
- Indigenous people and poverty in Latin America : an empirical analysis
- Voice of indigenous peoples: Native people address the United Nations
- Aboriginal youth : a manual of promising suicide prevention strategies
- National preparedness plan for an influenza pandemic
- Health in Finland
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Top Keywords
Government Policy
Health and Hygiene
Health Promotion
Health Status Indicators
Indigenous Peoples
Medical Care
North America
Northwest Territories
Polar Commission
Public Health
Service Delivery
Social Conditions
United States
Vital Statistics