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Qaujijausimajuni Tunngaviqarniq
Published 2009 | Regional Coverage: Canada, Nunavut | Location: Electronic
read moreAboriginal Peoples survey 2001 – Provincial and Territorial Reports: Off-reserve Aboriginal Population (YT)
Published 2006 | Regional Coverage: Canada, Yukon | Location: Electronic
read moreThe Yukon health care review
Published 2008 | Regional Coverage: Canada, Yukon | Location: Electronic
read moreYukon health status report
Published 2003 | Regional Coverage: Canada, Yukon | Location: Electronic
read moreStatistical yearbook 2008
Published 2008 | Regional Coverage: Denmark | Location: Electronic
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- Medical education in Canada
- A naturalist's guide to the arctic
- Circumpolar health 2006 : gateway to the International Polar Year : proceedings of the 13th International Congress on Circumpolar Healt
- Trends in the health and social sector 2007
- Promises to keep : public health policy for American Indians and Alaska natives in the 21st century
- The Netsilik Eskimo
- Indians of Canada
- Diabetes mellitus in native populations of North America : an annotated bibliography
- Historical atlas of the arctic
- Healthy Alaskans 2010 : targets and strategies for improved health
- Meddelelser om Grønland. Man in Society
- Understanding and preventing the problem of alcohol and drug abuse
- As long as this land shall last : a history of Treaty 8 and Treaty 11, 1870-1939
- Crossroads Alaska : native cultures of Alaska and Siberi
- Handbook of North American Indians: environment, origins, and population
- Indian health Care
- Reconciliation: First Nations treaty making in British Columbia
- Recreating the world : a practical guide to building sustainable communities
- Self determination in native education in the circumpolar north
- Chills and fever : health and disease in the early history of Alaska
- Healing traditions: the mental health of aboriginal peoples in Canada
- Native health research in Canada
- Indigenous peoples of the world : an introduction to their past, present, and future
- Canada Health Act - annual report 2008-2009 (Nunavut)
- Rie Munoz : Alaskan artist
- Disciplined hearts : history, identity, and depression in an American Indian community
- Making Canadian Indian policy: the hidden agenda 1968-1970
- The International classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification : Icd-9-cm.
- Indians of North America
- Causes of death in Alaska, 1950, 1980-1989 : an analysis of the causes of death, years of potential life lost, and life expectancy
- Commission of inquiry on the blood system in Canada: final report. v. 3
- Health, United States, 2006 : with chartbook on trends in the health of Americans
- Choosing life : special report on suicide among aboriginal people
- The people of Denendeh: ethnohistory of the Indians of Canada's Northwest Territories
- Arctic migrants/Arctic villagers : the transformation of Inuit settlement in the central Arctic
- People of the deer: the vanishing eskimo
- Voluntary medical insurance and prepayment
- A practical guide for health researchers
- American Indian holocaust and survival : a population history since 1492
- Crossroads of continents : cultures of Siberia and Alaska
- Diabetes and diet: Ivan's story
- Between two worlds : the report of the Northwest Territories perinatal and infant mortality and morbidity study
- Annotated bibliography of aboriginal women's health and healing research
- Taking action : Alaska Department of Health and Social Services strategic report, 2003-2005
- Living Arctic: hunters of the Canadian North
- Boreal forest adaptations : the Northern Algonkians
- Our words must come back to us
- Diseases, causes, remedies and reasons
- Eskimo dolls
- Report from the frontier : the state of the world's indigenous peoples
- The geography of the Canadian north : issues and challenges
- 1491: new revelations of the Americas before Columbus
- Hungry planet : what the world eats
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
- The first immigrants from Asia : a population history of the North American Indians
- Morbidity, performance and quality in primary care
- Depression among Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS : research report
- Out of Asia : peopling the Americas and the Pacific
- Strangers devour the land : the Cree hunters of the James Bay area versus Premier Bourassa and the James Bay Development Corporation
- Tulapai to Tokay : a bibliography of alcohol use and abuse among native Americans of North America
- White lies about the Inuit
- Aboriginal health and history : power and prejudice in remote Australia
- Disease surveillance : a public health informatics approach
- Alaska in action
- Canadian journal of Aboriginal community-based HIV/AIDS research.
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
- Alaska EARTH study
- Royal Commission on Health Services
- Annual report Alaska Department of Health & Social Services.
- Health systems in transition
- Canadian Arctic contaminants assessment report II
- The James Bay experience : a guide for health professionals working among the Crees of northern Quebec
- First Nations women, governance and the Indian Act : a collection of policy research reports
- Aboriginal youth : a manual of promising suicide prevention strategies
- Sun chief: the autobiography of a Hopi Indian
- Evaluation in health promotion: principles and perspectives
- Acta socio-medica Scandinavica: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Circumpolar Health [held] at Oulu, Finland on June 21-24, 1971
- Choosing life : Bobby's story
- Transcultural concepts in nursing care
- Southeast Asian tribal groups and ethnic minorities: a cultural survival report
- The Arctic : environment, people, policy
- Indian herbalogy of North America
- Circumpolar health atlas
- The native people of Alaska
- In business for ourselves: northern entrepreneurs
- Let the healing begin : breaking the cycle of child sexual abuse in our communities
- Handbook of North American Indians: Arctic
- True north: the Yukon and Northwest Territories
- Enduring traditions: the Native peoples of new England
- Historical atlas of Canada. v.1
- The living tradition of Yup'ik masks : Agayuliyararput, our way of making prayer
- Stones, bones and skin : ritual and shamanic art
- Drinking careers : a twenty-five-year study of three Navajo populations
- Maori health and Government policy, 1840-1940
- Usage of the Nunavut Kamatsiaqtut help line (NKHL) : an analysis of 11 years' of database
- A culture of safety : NWT injury prevention strategy, 2007-2012 implementation plane
- Alaska EARTH study data summary 2008
- Canadian arctic contaminants and health assessment report : human health 2009
- Career counselling for aboriginal youth : the journey inward, the journey outward
- The backbone of history health and nutrition in the western hemisphere
- The Atlas of Alaska Native Injury Morbidity and Mortality
- A Persistent spirit: towards understanding aboriginal health in British Columbia
- Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.
- Skyscrapers: hide the heavens
- Fetal and perinatal mortality, United States, 2005.
- Beyond the river and the bay : some observations on the state of the Canadian Northwest in 1811 with a view to providing the intending settler with an intimate knowledge of that country.
- Towards a vision of human possibility
- Report to the Community
- What mothers say : the Canadian Maternity Experiences Survey
- Nunavut: realizing the dream
- The dancing healers: a doctor's journey of healing with native americans
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Government Policy
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