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Items tagged Indigenous Peoples
Showing results 131 - 131 of 131 for the tag: Indigenous Peoples.
Clipboard Contents
- Health and disease of American Indians north of Mexico : a bibliography, 1800-1969
- National preparedness plan for an influenza pandemic
- Southeast Asian tribal groups and ethnic minorities: a cultural survival report
- American Indian holocaust and survival : a population history since 1492
- Handbook of North American Indians: Arctic
- Health systems in transition
- Out of Asia : peopling the Americas and the Pacific
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
- Disease and social diversity : the European impact on the health of non-Europeans
- Mapping the healing journey : the final report of a First Nation research project on healing in Canadian Aboriginal communities
- IWGIA : a history
- Saskatchewan Indian federated college journal: Indian health
- Indian health Care
- Aboriginal youth : a manual of promising suicide prevention strategies
- Childbirth in the Canadian North : epidemiological, clinical and cultural perspectives
- A poison stronger than love : the destruction of an Ojibwa community
- The James Bay experience : a guide for health professionals working among the Crees of northern Quebec
- Canadian Polar Commission 2001-2002
- Statistical yearbook 2009
- Canadian arctic contaminants and health assessment report : human health 2009
- Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2001 - Provincial and Territorial Reports: Off-reserve Aboriginal Population
- The first immigrants from Asia : a population history of the North American Indians
- Developing healthy communities: a public health strategy for Nunavut
- Skyscrapers: hide the heavens
- Statistical yearbook 2008
- 1491: new revelations of the Americas before Columbus
- Nunavut: realizing the dream
- Health of Native People of North America: a bibliography and guide to resources
- The Canadian north : issues and challenges
- Choosing life : Bobby's story
- American Indian languages: the historical linguistics of Native America
- Indigenous peoples of the world : an introduction to their past, present, and future
- Annotated bibliography of aboriginal women's health and healing research
- Disrobing the aboriginal industry : the deception behind indigenous cultural preservation
- Aboriginal Peoples survey 2001 - Provincial and Territorial reports: off-reserve Aboriginal population (NWT)
- Nutrition in Nunavut: a framework for action
- The coming of the spirit of pestilence : introduced infectious diseases and population decline among Northwest Coast Indians, 1774-1874
- Advance Guard: Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, Mitigation and Indigenous Peoples – A Compendium of Case Studies.
- Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.
- Les femmes autochtones et l'emploi : défis et enjeux des programmes d'employabilité au Québec = Aboriginal women and jobs : challenges and issues for employability programs in Quebec
- Nunavut food guide
- Aboriginal strategy on HIV/AIDS in Canada II
- self-government, social suffering and aboriginal policy in Canada
- Cultivating Canada: reconciliation through the lens of cultural diversity
- A history of the original peoples of northern Canada
- National action plan to reduce health inequalities 2008–2011
- Government of Nunavut : application to health Canada's primary health care transition fund
- National health expenditure trends, 1975-2008
- Alaska Native Maternal and Child Health: Trends and Data
- Health systems in transition
- Aboriginal Peoples in Canada in 2006: Inuit, Métis and First Nations, 2006 Census
- Aboriginal women's health research synthesis project : final report
- The Atlas of Alaska Native Injury Morbidity and Mortality
- The Cambridge history of the native peoples of the Americas.
- Medicinalberetning for Færøerne 2005
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
- Indians of Canada
- First Nations women, governance and the Indian Act : a collection of policy research reports
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Top Keywords
Government Policy
Health and Hygiene
Health Promotion
Health Status Indicators
Indigenous Peoples
Medical Care
North America
Northwest Territories
Polar Commission
Public Health
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United States
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