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Items tagged Indigenous Peoples
Showing results 131 - 131 of 131 for the tag: Indigenous Peoples.
Clipboard Contents
- Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2001 - Provincial and Territorial Reports: Off-reserve Aboriginal Population
- How statistics Canada identifies Aboriginal Peoples
- Traditional plant foods of Canadian indigenous peoples : nutrition, botany, and use
- The Indians of the Subarctic : a critical bibliography
- Canadian Arctic contaminants assessment report II
- The Canadian north : issues and challenges
- Annotated bibliography of aboriginal women's health and healing research
- The James Bay experience : a guide for health professionals working among the Crees of northern Quebec
- The Cambridge history of the native peoples of the Americas.
- Advance Guard: Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, Mitigation and Indigenous Peoples – A Compendium of Case Studies.
- Cultivating Canada: reconciliation through the lens of cultural diversity
- self-government, social suffering and aboriginal policy in Canada
- Childbirth in the Canadian North : epidemiological, clinical and cultural perspectives
- Way down North: Dene life - Dene land
- Aboriginal Peoples survey 2001 - Provincial and Territorial reports: off-reserve Aboriginal population (NWT)
- Disrobing the aboriginal industry : the deception behind indigenous cultural preservation
- Aboriginal women's health research synthesis project : final report
- Les femmes autochtones et l'emploi : défis et enjeux des programmes d'employabilité au Québec = Aboriginal women and jobs : challenges and issues for employability programs in Quebec
- Aboriginal Peoples survey 2001 - Provincial and Territorial Reports: Off-reserve Aboriginal Population (YT)
- Aboriginal strategy on HIV/AIDS in Canada II
- Tuberculosis in Canada 2006
- Healthy pregnancy : Jenny's story
- A history of the original peoples of northern Canada
- Alaska Native Maternal and Child Health: Trends and Data
- Canadian arctic contaminants and health assessment report : human health 2009
- North American Indian Métis and Inuit women speak about culture, education and work
- The coming of the spirit of pestilence : introduced infectious diseases and population decline among Northwest Coast Indians, 1774-1874
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
- The Atlas of Alaska Native Injury Morbidity and Mortality
- IWGIA : a history
- Between two worlds : the report of the Northwest Territories perinatal and infant mortality and morbidity study
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Government Policy
Health and Hygiene
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Indigenous Peoples
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