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Alaska Native Health Status Report
Published 2009 | Regional Coverage: Alaska | Location: Electronic
read moreClipboard Contents
- The Gaia atlas of first peoples : a future for the indigenous world
- Johnny National Super hero
- A community guide to protecting indigenous knowledge
- First Nations women, governance and the Indian Act : a collection of policy research reports
- Indian health Care
- As long as this land shall last : a history of Treaty 8 and Treaty 11, 1870-1939
- Native health research in Canada
- Advance Guard: Climate Change Impacts, Adaptation, Mitigation and Indigenous Peoples – A Compendium of Case Studies.
- Alaska EARTH study data summary 2008
- Healthy pregnancy : Jenny's story
- North American Indian Métis and Inuit women speak about culture, education and work
- How statistics Canada identifies Aboriginal Peoples
- Report from the frontier : the state of the world's indigenous peoples
- The backbone of history health and nutrition in the western hemisphere
- The Spirit sings : artistic traditions of Canada's first peoples
- Alaska Native arts and crafts
- Aboriginal Peoples in Canada in 2006: Inuit, Métis and First Nations, 2006 Census
- A poison stronger than love : the destruction of an Ojibwa community
- Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2001 - Provincial and Territorial Reports: Off-reserve Aboriginal Population
- Indigenous people and poverty in Latin America : an empirical analysis
- Traditional plant foods of Canadian indigenous peoples : nutrition, botany, and use
- Crossroads of continents : cultures of Siberia and Alaska
- A Persistent spirit: towards understanding aboriginal health in British Columbia
- Ancient pioneers: the first Americans
- Anthropology of the North Pacific Rim
- The James Bay experience : a guide for health professionals working among the Crees of northern Quebec
- Beyond the river and the bay : some observations on the state of the Canadian Northwest in 1811 with a view to providing the intending settler with an intimate knowledge of that country.
- Health of Native People of North America: a bibliography and guide to resources
- 1491: new revelations of the Americas before Columbus
- Native foods and nutrition : an illustrated reference manual.
- Handbook of North American Indians: Northwest Coast
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
- Health systems in transition
- Skyscrapers: hide the heavens
- Saskatchewan Indian federated college journal: Indian health
- IWGIA : a history
- Aboriginal children's health: leaving no child behind : Canadian supplement to The state of the world's children 2009
- Depression among Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS : research report
- Being alive well' : health and the politics of Cree well-being
- The first immigrants from Asia : a population history of the North American Indians
- Diabetes and diet: Ivan's story
- Medicine that walks : disease, medicine and Canadian Plains native people, 1880-1940
- Handbook of North American Indians: environment, origins, and population
- Mapping the healing journey : the final report of a First Nation research project on healing in Canadian Aboriginal communities
- Tuberculosis in Canada 2006
- Aboriginal strategy on HIV/AIDS in Canada II
- The people of America
- The geography of the Canadian north : issues and challenges
- Causes of death in Alaska, 1950, 1980-1989 : an analysis of the causes of death, years of potential life lost, and life expectancy
- State of the peoples : a global human rights report on societies in danger
- Arctic climate impact assessment
- The crisis of chronic disease among Aboriginal peoples : a challenge for public health, population health and social policy
- Traditional food guide: for Alaska Native cancer survivors
- Canadian Arctic contaminants assessment report II
- Indian healing : shamanic ceremonialism in the Pacific Northwest today
- Between two worlds : the report of the Northwest Territories perinatal and infant mortality and morbidity study
- Doing things the right way : Dene traditional justice in Lac La Martre, NWT
- The Indians of the Subarctic : a critical bibliography
- The Atlas of Alaska Native Injury Morbidity and Mortality
- Palaeopathology of Aboriginal Australians: health and disease across a hunter-gatherer continent
- Aboriginal domestic violence in Canada
- Promises to keep : public health policy for American Indians and Alaska natives in the 21st century
- Way down North: Dene life - Dene land
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Government Policy
Health and Hygiene
Health Promotion
Health Status Indicators
Indigenous Peoples
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Northwest Territories
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