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A Persistent spirit: towards understanding aboriginal health in British Columbia
Published 1995 | Regional Coverage: | Location: Library
read moreMauri Ora: the dynamics of Maori health
Published 2001 | Regional Coverage: | Location: Library
read moreHealth and disease of American Indians north of Mexico : a bibliography, 1800-1969
Published 1972 | Regional Coverage: | Location: Library
read moreAboriginal health and history : power and prejudice in remote Australia
Published 1993 | Regional Coverage: | Location: Library
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- Historical atlas of Canada. v.3
- Disrobing the aboriginal industry : the deception behind indigenous cultural preservation
- Prehistory of the Americas
- Encyclopedia of the Arctic: volume 3, O-Z
- Voice of indigenous peoples: Native people address the United Nations
- A global history of indigenous peoples : struggle and survival
- First Nations women, governance and the Indian Act : a collection of policy research reports
- His Majesty's Indian allies: British Indian policy in the defence of Canada, 1774-1815
- Causes of death in Alaska, 1950, 1980-1989 : an analysis of the causes of death, years of potential life lost, and life expectancy
- A naturalist's guide to the arctic
- State of the arctic: October 2006
- Arctic dreams : imagination and desire in a northern landscape
- Self determination in native education in the circumpolar north
- self-government, social suffering and aboriginal policy in Canada
- The Modern North: people, politics and the rejection of colonialism
- Baker Lake, prints & print-drawings, 1970-76 : [exhibition] February 27 to April 17, 1983, the Winnipeg Art Gallery
- Crossroads Alaska : native cultures of Alaska and Siberi
- Atlas of disease distributions : analytic approaches to epidemiological data
- The Greenland mummies
- Aboriginal health and history : power and prejudice in remote Australia
- The psychology of food choice
- Indigenous people and poverty in Latin America : an empirical analysis
- Politics and history in band societies
- The Sahtu atlas
- Evaluation in health promotion: principles and perspectives
- Encyclopedia of the Arctic: volume 2, G-N
- Disease surveillance : a public health informatics approach
- Inunnit : the art of the Canadian Eskimo
- Doing things the right way : Dene traditional justice in Lac La Martre, NWT
- Public health informatics and information systems
- Epidemiologic methods for health policy
- Native health research in Canada
- Health research methodology: a guide for training in research methods
- Circumpolar health 81 : proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Circumpolar Health
- Palaeopathology of Aboriginal Australians: health and disease across a hunter-gatherer continent
- Choosing life : Bobby's story
- National Geographic satellite atlas of the world.
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
- Choosing life : special report on suicide among aboriginal people
- The legend of the Caribou boy
- Across time and tundra : the Inuvialuit of the western Arctic
- A little matter of genocide: holocaust and denial in the Americas 1492 to the present
- The Sami people
- The backbone of history health and nutrition in the western hemisphere
- Cape Dorset prints: a retrospective
- Annotated bibliography of aboriginal women's health and healing research
- Disease change and the role of medicine: the Navajo experience
- Transcultural concepts in nursing care
- Childbirth in the Canadian North : epidemiological, clinical and cultural perspectives
- Reproductive health indicators : guidelines for their generation, interpretation and analysis for global monitoring
- Basic call to consciousness
- Alaska Native Maternal and Child Health: Trends and Data
- Native foods and nutrition : an illustrated reference manual.
- The other side of Eden : hunters, farmers and the shaping of the world
- Hearing loss and dental health
- Enduring traditions: the Native peoples of new England
- Canadian Polar Commission 2009-2010
- Sanatujut : pride in women's work : Copper and Caribou Inuit clothing traditions
- Arctic human development report
- AMAP Assessment 2009: Human Health in the Arctic
- Northern exposure : peoples, powers and prospects in Canada's North
- Resource extraction development and well-being in the North : a scan of the unique challenges of development in Inuit communities
- How statistics Canada identifies Aboriginal Peoples
- Depression among Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS : research report
- Northern shores: a history of the Baltic sea and its peoples
- A layman's guide to fetal alcohol syndrome and possible fetal alcohol effects
- The Arctic coast
- Aboriginal children's health: leaving no child behind : Canadian supplement to The state of the world's children 2009
- Unikkaaqatigiit: putting the human face on climate change
- Health in the European Union : trends and analysis
- National action plan to reduce health inequalities 2008–2011
- Development of a congenital anomalies surveillance system for the Northwest Territories
- Integrating poverty and gender into health programmes : a sourcebook for health professionals : module on sexual and reproductive health
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
- The ten grandmothers: epic of the Kiowas
- American Indian holocaust and survival : a population history since 1492
- Arctic doom, Arctic boom : the geopolitics of climate change in the Arctic
- Epidemiology and the delivery of health care services : methods and applications
- Canadian journal of Aboriginal community-based HIV/AIDS research.
- The Sámi people : traditions in transition
- Northern Contaminants Program : Summary of 2008-2010 Projects
- Polar science and global climate: an international resource for education and outreach
- Inua: spirit world of the bering sea eskimo
- Commission of inquiry on the blood system in Canada: final report. v. 1
- With child : substance use during pregnancy, a woman-centred approach
- Building a path for Northern science
- Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.
- The US Health System: An Assessment and Prospective Directions for Reform
- Commission of inquiry on the blood system in Canada: final report. v. 3
- Health systems in transition
- Understanding and preventing the problem of alcohol and drug abuse
- Being alive well' : health and the politics of Cree well-being
- In business for ourselves: northern entrepreneurs
- The path to healing
- AMAP assessment 2009 : radioactivity in the Arctic
- My spirit soars
- Diabetes mellitus in native populations of North America : an annotated bibliography
- Qanukkanniq?
- A history of the peoples of Siberia: Russia's north Asian colony 1581-1990
- The economy of the North 2008
- Health transitions in Arctic population
- Population health concepts and methods
- Historical atlas of Canada. v.1
- Native and settlers now and then: historical issues and current perspectives on treaties and land claims in Canada
- Ethics issues for Canadian HIV/AIDS researchers in international settings
- Prehistoric maritime adaptations of the circumpolar zone
- A prehistory of the north : human settlement of the higher latitudes
- State of the peoples : a global human rights report on societies in danger
- Thule Eskimo prehistory along Northwestern Hudson Bay
- Indigenous peoples of the world : an introduction to their past, present, and future
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Government Policy
Health and Hygiene
Health Promotion
Health Status Indicators
Indigenous Peoples
Medical Care
North America
Northwest Territories
Polar Commission
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