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Items covering Canada
Health systems in transition
Published 2005 | Regional Coverage: Canada | Location: Electronic
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- Government resolution: on development guidelines for health enhancing physical activity and nutrition
- Native and settlers now and then: historical issues and current perspectives on treaties and land claims in Canada
- The Canadian Atlas: our nation, environment and people
- Integrated service delivery model for the NWT health and social services system : A detailed description
- AMAP assessment 2002 : human health in the Arctic
- Choosing life : Bobby's story
- Eskimo life in Alaska; a photo story of these arctic people
- Recreating the world : a practical guide to building sustainable communities
- Thule Eskimo prehistory along Northwestern Hudson Bay
- Basic call to consciousness
- Population health concepts and methods
- The path to healing
- The economy of the North 2008
- Indigenous people and poverty in Latin America : an empirical analysis
- Reindeer people : living with animals and spirits in Siberia
- Qaujijausimajuni Tunngaviqarniq
- The other side of Eden : hunters, farmers and the shaping of the world
- Quality recommendation for health promotion.
- Handbook of critical and indigenous methodologies
- The Netsilik Eskimo
- Alaska Native arts and crafts
- Transcultural concepts in nursing care
- Evaluation in health promotion: principles and perspectives
- Aboriginal Peoples in Canada in 2006: Inuit, Métis and First Nations, 2006 Census
- Greenland seen through 50 years of stamps, 1938-1988
- Report from the frontier : the state of the world's indigenous peoples
- Alaska EARTH study
- State of the peoples : a global human rights report on societies in danger
- The International classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification : Icd-9-cm.
- The beautiful and the dangerous: dialogues with the Zuni Indians
- Boreal forest adaptations : the Northern Algonkians
- With child : substance use during pregnancy, a woman-centred approach
- Yearbook of international co-operation on environment and development, 2002/2003
- WHO report on the global tobacco epidemic, 2008: the MPOWER package
- Eskimo dolls
- Unikkaaqatigiit: putting the human face on climate change
- Aboriginal and treaty rights in Canada: essays on law, equality, and respect for difference
- The treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories
- Canadian Polar Commission 2002-2003
- The Atlas of Alaska Native Injury Morbidity and Mortality
- Arctic dreams : imagination and desire in a northern landscape
- Inuit legends
- Nunavut food guide
- Prehistory of the Americas
- Health creates welfare: the role of the health system in Norwegian society
- The health consequences of "modernization" : evidence from circumpolar peoples
- National health expenditure trends, 1975-2008
- National Health Plan for Norway (2007–2010) Summary
- Nordic statistical yearbook 2006
- Let the healing begin : breaking the cycle of child sexual abuse in our communities
- AMAP Assessment 2009: Human Health in the Arctic
- Nordic statistical yearbook 2007
- Indigenous peoples of the world : an introduction to their past, present, and future
- The Sahtu atlas
- American Indian medicine
- Atlas of disease distributions : analytic approaches to epidemiological data
- Health problems and health care delivery in the Canadian North : selected papers of J.A. Hildes and O. Schaefer
- Aboriginal children's health: leaving no child behind : Canadian supplement to The state of the world's children 2009
- The Cambridge history of the native peoples of the Americas.
- A prehistory of the north : human settlement of the higher latitudes
- Arctic doom, Arctic boom : the geopolitics of climate change in the Arctic
- The Indians of the Subarctic : a critical bibliography
- The backbone of history health and nutrition in the western hemisphere
- Traditional plant foods of Canadian indigenous peoples : nutrition, botany, and use
- Disease surveillance : a public health informatics approach
- Climatography of the United States
- Community involvement in health development : a review of the concept and practice
- The Spirit sings : artistic traditions of Canada's first peoples
- Depression among Aboriginal people living with HIV/AIDS : research report
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Top Keywords
Government Policy
Health and Hygiene
Health Promotion
Health Status Indicators
Indigenous Peoples
Medical Care
North America
Northwest Territories
Polar Commission
Public Health
Service Delivery
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United States
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