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Items tagged Medical geography
Showing 2 results for the tag: Medical geography.
Atlas of disease distributions : analytic approaches to epidemiological data
Published 1988 | Regional Coverage: | Location: Library
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- North American Indian Métis and Inuit women speak about culture, education and work
- The Human biology of circumpolar populations
- Community involvement in health development : a review of the concept and practice
- Sunrise over pangnirtung: the story of Otto Schaefer, M.D.
- Polar science and global climate: an international resource for education and outreach
- Health systems in transition
- The Canadian Atlas: our nation, environment and people
- Inunnit : the art of the Canadian Eskimo
- AMAP Assessment 2009: Human Health in the Arctic
- Qanukkanniq?
- Indigenous peoples of the world : an introduction to their past, present, and future
- The truth about stories: a Native narrative
- Basic call to consciousness
- The beautiful and the dangerous: dialogues with the Zuni Indians
- Health creates welfare: the role of the health system in Norwegian society
- With child : substance use during pregnancy, a woman-centred approach
- The Greenland mummies
- Native and settlers now and then: historical issues and current perspectives on treaties and land claims in Canada
- Qaujijausimajuni Tunngaviqarniq
- The Sahtu atlas
- Unikkaaqatigiit: putting the human face on climate change
- Greenland seen through 50 years of stamps, 1938-1988
- Southeast Asian tribal groups and ethnic minorities: a cultural survival report
- Choosing life : Bobby's story
- National Geographic satellite atlas of the world.
- Baker Lake, prints & print-drawings, 1970-76 : [exhibition] February 27 to April 17, 1983, the Winnipeg Art Gallery
- State of the peoples : a global human rights report on societies in danger
- Eskimo dolls
- Inuit art: an anthology
- Researching violence against women : a practical guide for researchers and activists
- Cry of the eagle: encounters with a cree healer
- Atlas of disease distributions : analytic approaches to epidemiological data
- In business for ourselves: northern entrepreneurs
- The backbone of history health and nutrition in the western hemisphere
- Traditional plant foods of Canadian indigenous peoples : nutrition, botany, and use
- The Canadian north : issues and challenges
- Alaska Native arts and crafts
- American Indian languages: the historical linguistics of Native America
- Smithsonian at the poles : contributions to International Polar Year science
- Sexual and reproductive health- laying the foundation for a more just world through research and action, Biennial report 2004-2005
- Inuit legends
- Commission of inquiry on the blood system in Canada: final report. v. 3
- Northern exposure : peoples, powers and prospects in Canada's North
- Annotated bibliography of aboriginal women's health and healing research
- Handbook of critical and indigenous methodologies
- Nordic statistical yearbook = Nordisk statistisk årsbok
- Historical atlas of Canada. v.1
- Indians of North America
- Morbidity, performance and quality in primary care
- Aboriginal youth : a manual of promising suicide prevention strategies
- The economy of the North 2006
- The Sámi people : a handbook
- Quality recommendation for health promotion.
- Arctic climate impact assessment
- Traditional food guide: for Alaska Native cancer survivors
- National Health Plan for Norway (2007–2010) Summary
- Integrating poverty and gender into health programmes : a sourcebook for health professionals : module on sexual and reproductive health
- A layman's guide to fetal alcohol syndrome and possible fetal alcohol effects
- Career counselling for aboriginal youth : the journey inward, the journey outward
- Royal Commission on Health Services
- Rie Munoz : Alaskan artist
- Johnny National Super hero
- Thule Eskimo prehistory along Northwestern Hudson Bay
- Beyond the river and the bay : some observations on the state of the Canadian Northwest in 1811 with a view to providing the intending settler with an intimate knowledge of that country.
- Nordic statistical yearbook 2006
- Cruise tourism in polar regions: promoting environmental and social sustainability?
- Jessie Oonark : a retrospective
- Cultural anthropology
- Historical atlas of Canada. v.3
- Yearbook of international co-operation on environment and development, 2002/2003
- Handbook of North American Indians: Northeast
- IWGIA : a history
- Anthropology and epidemiology : interdisciplinary approaches to the study of health and diseases
- Ethics issues for Canadian HIV/AIDS researchers in international settings
- The other side of Eden : hunters, farmers and the shaping of the world
- Prehistory of the Americas
- The economy of the North 2008
- First Nations women, governance and the Indian Act : a collection of policy research reports
- The treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories
- Strategies for social protection 2015 – towards a socially and economically sustainable society
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Government Policy
Health and Hygiene
Health Promotion
Health Status Indicators
Indigenous Peoples
Medical Care
North America
Northwest Territories
Polar Commission
Public Health
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United States
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