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Well beings: a guide to health in Child care
Published 2008 | Regional Coverage: | Location: Library
read morePreventing childhood obesity: evidence policy and practice
Published 2010 | Regional Coverage: | Location: Library
read moreBetween two worlds : the report of the Northwest Territories perinatal and infant mortality and morbidity study
Published 1982 | Regional Coverage: | Location: Library
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- Polar science and global climate: an international resource for education and outreach
- Childbirth in the Canadian North : epidemiological, clinical and cultural perspectives
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
- Northern exposure : peoples, powers and prospects in Canada's North
- In the wake of contact : biological responses to conquest
- Qaujijausimajuni Tunngaviqarniq
- The American Indian mind in a linear world: American Indian studies and traditional knowledge
- Making Canadian Indian policy: the hidden agenda 1968-1970
- Nordic statistical yearbook 2007
- Royal Commission on Health Services
- Reindeer people : living with animals and spirits in Siberia
- Hungry planet : what the world eats
- Public health administration: principles for population-based management
- Integrating poverty and gender into health programmes : a sourcebook for health professionals : module on sexual and reproductive health
- The other side of Eden : hunters, farmers and the shaping of the world
- Encyclopedia of the Arctic: volume 2, G-N
- Maori health and Government policy, 1840-1940
- Sexual and reproductive health- laying the foundation for a more just world through research and action, Biennial report 2004-2005
- The Netsilik Eskimo
- The first Canadians: a profile of Canada's Native people today
- The Sami – an Indigenous People in Sweden
- Northern dimension partnership in public health and social well-being: progress report for 2009
- What mothers say : the Canadian Maternity Experiences Survey
- The Canadian north : issues and challenges
- Researching violence against women : a practical guide for researchers and activists
- Cry of the eagle: encounters with a cree healer
- Population health concepts and methods
- Arctic climate impact assessment
- Healthy pregnancy : Jenny's story
- A poison stronger than love : the destruction of an Ojibwa community
- Epidemiology and the delivery of health care services : methods and applications
- Alaska EARTH study data summary 2008
- Handbook of North American Indians: environment, origins, and population
- Causes of death in Alaska, 1950, 1980-1989 : an analysis of the causes of death, years of potential life lost, and life expectancy
- Users' guides to the medical literature : a manual for evidence-based clinical practice
- Norwegian directorate of health
- Johnny National Super hero
- Protecting the Arctic : indigenous peoples and cultural survival
- Evaluation in health promotion: principles and perspectives
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
- Recreating the world : a practical guide to building sustainable communities
- Baker Lake, prints & print-drawings, 1970-76 : [exhibition] February 27 to April 17, 1983, the Winnipeg Art Gallery
- Native and settlers now and then: historical issues and current perspectives on treaties and land claims in Canada
- Our words must come back to us
- The Spirit sings : artistic traditions of Canada's first peoples
- Quality recommendation for health promotion.
- The legend of the Caribou boy
- Understanding earth's polar challenges: International polar year 2007-2008
- World report on violence and health
- The trouble with medical journals
- Arctic migrants/Arctic villagers : the transformation of Inuit settlement in the central Arctic
- American Indian languages: the historical linguistics of Native America
- Indian herbalogy of North America
- Canadian Polar Commission 2001-2002
- The crisis of chronic disease among Aboriginal peoples : a challenge for public health, population health and social policy
- Nursing perspectives on public health programming in Nunavut
- Traditional food guide: for Alaska Native cancer survivors
- White lies about the Inuit
- The mind of Norman Bethune
- The Sámi people : a handbook
- A little matter of genocide: holocaust and denial in the Americas 1492 to the present
- Prehistoric maritime adaptations of the circumpolar zone
- The geography of the Canadian north : issues and challenges
- People of the deer: the vanishing eskimo
- Aboriginal Peoples survey 2001 - Provincial and Territorial reports: off-reserve Aboriginal population (NWT)
- Preparedness unit
- Choosing life : Bobby's story
- In business for ourselves: northern entrepreneurs
- Strangers devour the land : the Cree hunters of the James Bay area versus Premier Bourassa and the James Bay Development Corporation
- The first immigrants from Asia : a population history of the North American Indians
- Health systems in transition
- Traditional plant foods of Canadian indigenous peoples : nutrition, botany, and use
- Alaska Native Maternal and Child Health: Trends and Data
- Atlas of disease distributions : analytic approaches to epidemiological data
- Historical atlas of Canada. v.1
- Morbidity, performance and quality in primary care
- Tobacco prevention and control in Alaska : annual report
- The dancing healers: a doctor's journey of healing with native americans
- The beautiful and the dangerous: dialogues with the Zuni Indians
- Children’s health in the Nordic Countries - Barns helse i Norden
- Cultural and social research in Greenland : selected essays 1992-2010
- Frozen earth: the once and future story of ice ages
- National Geographic satellite atlas of the world.
- Sanatujut : pride in women's work : Copper and Caribou Inuit clothing traditions
- A century of adventure in northern health : the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps in Alaska 1879-1978
- Aboriginal Peoples in Canada in 2006: Inuit, Métis and First Nations, 2006 Census
- Norway’s National Strategy for Tobacco Control 2006-2010
- Sunrise over pangnirtung: the story of Otto Schaefer, M.D.
- State of the peoples : a global human rights report on societies in danger
- Chills and fever : health and disease in the early history of Alaska
- Handbook of critical and indigenous methodologies
- Prehistory of the Americas
- The Indians of the Subarctic : a critical bibliography
- The psychology of food choice
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
- Inunnit : the art of the Canadian Eskimo
- Circumpolar health 84 : proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Circumpolar Health
- Disease surveillance : a public health informatics approach
- The living tradition of Yup'ik masks : Agayuliyararput, our way of making prayer
- Development of a congenital anomalies surveillance system for the Northwest Territories
- The coming of the spirit of pestilence : introduced infectious diseases and population decline among Northwest Coast Indians, 1774-1874
- Dialogue towards a university in Canada's far north : environmental scan
- A layman's guide to fetal alcohol syndrome and possible fetal alcohol effects
- Yearbook of international co-operation on environment and development, 2002/2003
- The Canadian Atlas: our nation, environment and people
- Nutrition in Nunavut: a framework for action
- The economy of the North 2006
- Health Statistics in the Nordic Countries 2006
- Faces of the north : the ethnographic photography of John Honigmann
- Doing things the right way : Dene traditional justice in Lac La Martre, NWT
- Developing healthy communities: a public health strategy for Nunavut
- Health of Native People of North America: a bibliography and guide to resources
- Fetal and perinatal mortality, United States, 2003.
- A guide to effective care in pregnancy and childbirth
- The economy of the North 2008
- The Sahtu atlas
- Health communication : strategies for health professionals
- Jessie Oonark : a retrospective
- The Athapaskans : strangers of the North : an international travelling exhibition from the collection of the National Museum of Man, Canada, and the Royal Scottish Museum.
- Arctic doom, Arctic boom : the geopolitics of climate change in the Arctic
- Handbook of North American Indians: Northeast
- Disease and demography in the Americas
- Aboriginal Peoples Survey 2001 - Provincial and Territorial Reports: Off-reserve Aboriginal Population
- Breaking the ice: from land claims to tribal sovereignty in the arctic
- The peoples of the great north: art and civilization of Siberia
- Transcultural concepts in nursing care
- Evidence-based rheumatology
- Aboriginal domestic violence in Canada
- The indigenous world, 2009
- His Majesty's Indian allies: British Indian policy in the defence of Canada, 1774-1815
- First Nations urban health bibliography : a review of the literature and exploration of strategies
- Turning Points: Twenty-five Years of HIV Prevention in Canada | Points de repère : vingt-cinq ans de prévention du VIH au Canada
- Indian healing : shamanic ceremonialism in the Pacific Northwest today
- Inuit art: an anthology
- Globalization and the North: impacts of trade treaties on Canada's Northern Governments
- Alaska in action
- Food for the North: report of the air stage subsidy review
- Unikkaaqatigiit: putting the human face on climate change
- The truth about stories: a Native narrative
- Alaska Native Health Status Report
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Government Policy
Health and Hygiene
Health Promotion
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Northwest Territories
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